Water Challenges

Registered Water Challenges

Water ChallengesRegistered Water Challenges

Voting notices
Register your city’s water challenge and vote for the two most pressing water issues.
Solutions to the two shortlisted water challenges and their implementation plans will be further discussed at the WWCF 2020.

[Jhelum, Pakistan] Optimization of existing sewage and drainage system and installation of wastewater treatment systems  0
[Kumamoto, Japan] Preserving groundwater quality and water reserves  0
[Orange County, USA] Developing a Resilient, Reliable, and Affordable Water Supply  0
[Yixing, China] Building a future-oriented concept WWTP and exploring the sustainable development of wastewater treatment  4
[Shaoxing, China] Challenge in Water Related Problems  3
[Bangkok, Thailand] Tool & methods to increase the salt water solution efficiency in water supply of MWA  4
[Leeuwarden, Netherlands] A testbed for world wide water technology innovations  1
[Daegu, Republic of Korea] Urban Stream Depletion  2
[Mikkeli, Finland] Urban runoffs and effluents to the drainage basin/ Educating and recruiting young water professionals  0